Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Usher in a Monster of a Song Rights Scandle Battle

Usher Raymond
Usher has been pulled into a lawsuit by a student songwriter who has alleged he was cheated out of ownership rights for the hip hop star's hit number 'Monster'. 

The 'Yeah!' hitmaker included the song in his 2010 release Raymond vs Raymond, but Kameron Glasper claims he was conned into signing away half of his interest in the tune, which was part of a 10-track package deal he entered into in 2009 for Legendary Poets Music Publishing.

Glasper, also known as Kam Parker, insisted he was a "young, inexperienced college student" trying to break into the music industry when he agreed to the contract with publishing company owner Bethel Harris.

He alleged that Harris "exploited" his talents and claimed to be "the only person that Usher Raymond's representatives would negotiate with for the song Monster", reported Contact music.

Legendary Poets shut down in February 2010 – before relaunching that summer - and Glasper argues his contract should be dissolved too.

Check out Usher's album Raymond Vs Raymond which includes the hit singles "OMG", "Monster", "Hey Daddy, (Daddy's Home)" and "Hot Tottie" which features Jay-Z.

Usher Raymond vs Raymond Deluxe Edition Album Cover

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